Monthly Archives: May 2020

Little Girl Lost

I feel like I’ve been slipping in and out of my mind for my entire life. I’m not sure who I am so I let the day decide who I should be. It simplifies things, but it’s not very stable. I run away from every opportunity to stop and think about who I am and where I’m going. I don’t want to think about it. I just want to “be” without having to know myself. Mostly because I’m not sure “myself” is a real person. I’ve always felt out of synch with the rest of the universe. And maybe that’s okay.

But there has to be a middleground between normal, everyday person and out of your fucking mind. I think that’s precisely where I am. I can’t relate to the normals, yet I’m not sufficiently insane. Not enough to be locked up or lose touch with reality completely. My little touches of madness are what makes me unique, but what keeps me sane is what’s stifling my creativity. How do I cope with this?

Are there other inbetweeners out there? How do you deal with it(life)?



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