Being Social

I don’t know if this is something you struggle with, but I’ve been forcing myself to be more social. Turns out I’m not as anti-social as I once thought. It all depends on the people I surround myself with. But certain situations still fill me with extreme anxiety. Like for instance job interviews or first days of most things with new people. It’s usually the build-up that’s the worst, though. When you’re there, you’re there; it’ll go how it goes.

This is a tip that I’ve noticed works for me, at least. Try to be social earlier in the day. It could be something as simple as going to the shops, a local clothing store, or really any store in general. Ask the clerk some question about the merchandise or try to strike up a conversation with someone you know (should you run into them).

Sometimes I can go days without talking to anyone that’s not my close family and I find it difficult to “get into it” and develop any kind of a natural flow to the conversation. I guess it’s not always that “natural” to me. And that’s ok. But if you’re going to have an important meeting with someone or anything of the sort, having a practice conversation about something less important is a good way of “getting into it” and learning how to find the right words once you need them. If you’re like me, and need some practice, I mean.


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